Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Is she a dentist?
is she a doctor?
maybe a provost,
or Harvard proctor?

Could she be taller?
(probably not)
Possibly as fair?
what a nice thought!

Would she be different?
like a born-again-biker?
From colourful bracelets,
to slightly racist?

A mother? A bother?
Or simply a saint?
Clueless, keen, cautious?
Or an avid a cat lover?

An activist with friends -
around the globe?
An artist with style,
that decoúrs her abode?

A champion of challenges
some extreme thrill seeker,
or quietly questing
for satori, “i must meet her!”

Perhaps a slayer
of dragon in dens?
Caught up in scene
of online gaming with friends?

Perchance its the obvious?
A soul with a purpose.
A person with passion.
Each day without fuss.

. . . well . . .

Where is that fair friend
Amy Brennan?
Or was it Brennen?
.... i hope, now – she’s not a man.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Neither here nor there....

While revisiting a photo album from
my childhood summer camp, i found this old friend in a group photo.

Such a long time ago.
yet the memories are just as vivid.
an ancient friend - with the kindest of eyes.
her attention steady, intention pure.
but how could i have truly known her
a child less than a decade and, in the end -  a mystery to me.

i wish i knew
where she was now

i wish i knew
whome she’s become

i wish i knew
how she is.

Strange, but i think of her when i hear these drums. . . .

It gives me the goosebumps and some supreme nostalgia.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A Friend

i used to have a friend,
her name was Amy then;
we'd sit to snack and talk
patient listening, till the end,
my fair friend named Brennan.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Looking for an old Cloverleaf friend

Around the year 1996 at the summer camp Cloverleaf Ranch I had a friend named Amy Brennan.

I'm wondering where she is, and who she is now.